Real Climate Change Solution #12

a picture of the sun

Climate Change Solution #12

The National Program In Weather Modification Launched In 1966

The US Capital building

According to the documents, President LBJ approved weather modification in 1966.

On November 7, 1966, ICAS Report No. 10a was submitted to the Federal Council for Science and Technology, Executive Office of the President.

According to the documents, weather modification was approved by President LBJ over a half-century ago.

Download and save this historic document. You can show it to your grandkids, and tell them stories about how humans naively thought they could control the weather.

The ICAS (Interdepartmental Committee For Atmospheric Sciences) endorsed this recommended “weather modification program,” and the US government set off on a program to control the weather.

Mother Nature just got her walking papers and was out of a job.

In 1966.

It didn’t start then, though. 

20 Years Earlier – 1940s

Old scrolls and ancient books where mankind has tried to predict an apocalypse since the beginning of mankind.

According to the archived documents, weather modification was approved by the government over a half-century ago.

The introduction of this document states:

“The earth’s weather has a profound influence on agriculture, forestry, water resources, industry, commerce, transportation, construction, field operations, commercial fishing, and many other human activities … There is, therefore, great motivation to develop effective countermeasures against the destructive effects of weather, and, conversely, to enhance the beneficial aspects.

Over the past twenty years, experiments have been conducted on weather modification, particularly on the effects of seeding clouds with such materials as silver iodide crystals.”

The Earth Versus Humans

Who put humans in charge of Nature? Did anyone consult with the planet? The planet does have rights, too. Actually more.

The Earth needs a good lawyer.

Please take the time to read this government archived document. For Mother Nature’s sake.




Oklahoma And Texas Earthquakes Getting Stronger

A map of the North American Craton boundary.

The North American Craton boundary – Wilipedia


Earthquakes in Texas and Oklahoma are increasing along the ancient Craton Boundary, both in number and in magnitude.

The quakes are a result of mounting Earth movement due to Earth changes, but the concentration of movement in these two states is exacerbated by the oil and gas industry’s fracking procedures.


Oil pumps in the sunset.

Our addiction to oil and gas is creating more future problems.

Our refusal to lessen our dependency on oil and gas has led us to using very eco-unfriendly techniques of “bleeding the Earth” of every drop of oil we can get our hands on.

Fracking does not cause earthquakes, but fracturing the weakest parts of the Earth’s crust certainly exaserbates them. THIS is what is happening in Texas and Oklahoma today.

Human interference is weakening an already fractured crustDon’t blame Nature for your property damage – blame our gluttony and addiction to profits.

The Craton

The Craton boundary is where the ocean (now the Gulf of Mexico) once met the North American shore, and these are areas rich in ancient, fossilized natural resources that we, modern humans, are addicted to. Cratons are found on every continent, and every Craton boundary is rich in minerals.

As modern technology over extracts these “boundary” resources, the crust becomes weaker. This leaves the people in these areas susceptible to earthquake effects. It doesn’t seem like people living in Oklahoma or Texas are expecting any major damage, but what we are NOT considering is the fact that:

  1. the North American plate (crust) is moving;
  2. this movement will eventually affect the US West Coast;
  3. crustal movement will also effect the Mississippi River Valley.

Pay attention to these quakes on the Craton and along the Mississippi Valley because they are the warning signs that the USA will respond to movement at the North American Plate. Increase your awareness so you can prepare for the changes ahead.