Just To Be Clear – The Fires In Hawaii Were Not Caused By Climate Change

The tragic fires in Hawaii were an act of Nature.

The fires in Hawaii are all over the news today, and such a tragic event can be tricky to report on when you don’t know what started such a deadly fire. I am hearing so many conspiracy theories about what happened, I was compelled to say something about some of the crazy ideas.

I was labeled a conspiracy theorist when I wrote my book Sweet Poison and started speaking out about the dangers of using aspartame.  I got used to being ridiculed and teased about wearing a tin foil hat. Fortunately, I was right about aspartame.

Believe me, I know a conspiracy when I see one.

We are more jaded today as we get hit with one conspiracy after another, but don’t buy into the theories that the fire was caused by anything other than an accidental spark and 80 mph winds rapidly blowing the fire out of control.

Fires In Hawaii

The fires in Hawaii were an unfortunate accident.

Many posts on social media are alluding to the fires in Hawaii as being ignited on purpose. No one will ever know what spark started this tragic fire, but whether it was arson or someone’s barbecue grill, a tropical storm south of Hawaii blasted the Maui coastline with 80 mph winds.

THAT will spread a wildfire! And it did just that.

Imagine you are camping and have a campfire lit. Then, 80 mph winds approach. Your fire will spread in a matter of minutes.

And heads up, Hawaii – you have two more tropical storms heading your way.

For all the conspiracy theorists out there, take a pass on this natural disaster. The tragic fires in Hawaii were an act of Nature. Mother Nature is very active today, and we will unfortunately continue to see many more natural disasters in the near future. 

Mother Nature

I’m reading everything from this was an intentional burn to the fire was controlled to burn some areas but not others. Weather channels are trying to convince you that global warming and climate change are the cause of the fire.

I am NOT an advocate of the climate change movement today. As an environmental engineer, I remind you that the power of our planet is much more powerful than human influences will ever be.

We do pollute, we do not recycle enough, we concrete over fertile farmlands, and pack too many people into small urban spaces. Yes, we dirty things up, but we don’t have the power to alter the planet’s wind and ocean currents or our relationship with the Sun and the other planets.

This is a BIG Blue planet, and there is plenty of room for our growing global population, but we need to better apply our technology to maintain a healthier balance with Nature. We have the ability to create an oasis within every desert. We have free energy abundantly surrounding us, but humans are their own worst enemy – we have the ability to live in a Heaven on Earth, but greed has gotten in our way.

Our hearts go out to all the people and wildlife who lost their lives, their homes, and their businesses in Hawaii, but this was a natural disaster at the hands of Mother Nature – there are no conspiracies behind the scenes here.

Listen to my short clip on how to prepare for natural disasters.



Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. 




The Sun Influences The Earth More Than You Know

A weather map of Typhoon Wipha.

Deadly storms were once rare. Today, they are increasing in number and in strength.

The 2017 hurricane season started off with record=breaking storms, and it looks like the storms are going to keep coming.

Earthquakes, too.

And volcanoes.

Add more droughts and wildfires.

And floods.

What most people don’t realize is the root cause of natural disasters starts with the Sun.

Our Sun is undergoing some serious changes right now, and it is affecting all life on Earth. This explains the changes we are seeing today.

The Sun Is Driving This Bus

Super Typhoon from NOAA the Philippines

The Sun is the primary influence behind our weather.

Energy from the Sun is very important to all life on Earth. The Sun warms our planet and heats the surface, the oceans and the atmosphere. This atmospheric energy is one of the primary drivers of our weather.

Our climate is also strongly affected by the amount of solar radiation received on the Earth.

Climate change and “global warming” are not caused by humans – they are driven by the Earth itself, and that is determined by the Sun.

Now note that humans won’t get off the hook here. Humans are messing in our nest – we are destroying ecosystems worldwide, polluting the land, water and air, and we are depleting the Earth’s natural resources at a record rate.

A picture of a solar flare, or CME, exploding off the surface of the Sun.

Humans are polluting the Earth, no doubt, but the Sun is the primary reason we are experiencing global climate change.

Humans have created GMO farming, which destroys the Earth’s pollination and the natural mineralization of the soil. And our pesticides are killing the pollinators (the bees and butterflies) in massive numbers.

But, there is a big difference between the damage irresponsible humans are doing to the Earth and the powerful influences of the Sun.

The Sun warms our planet, so when the Sun heats up – um hum, the Earth heats up. There is nothing we humans can do about it.

Learn More About The Sun

In order to better understand climate change, natural disasters, and Earth events that have never been seen in modern human history, study the Sun and its cycles. 

The Sun:

  1. affects all life on Earth;
  2. influences fertility and the reproduction of plants and animals;
  3. determines an animal’s mood;
  4. creates earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes;
  5. influences rainfall;
  6. determines temperature.

Here are 3 videos to get you started learning more about the Sun:



As we witness natural disasters increasing today, learn all that you can about them. This is the only way that we can stay safe, and possibly prevent more disasters in the future. 


You have our permission to reprint this article if you attribute us with a live back-link to this article and the youtube links. http://www.extinctiontheory.com/

Forecasting The What If?

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No one wants think about natural disasters destroying life as we know it. Life on Earth is awesome – our planet is filled with so much beauty, magnificence, and miracles.

Most of us choose to think about natural disasters later. The majority of us believe that major Earth events won’t happen in our lifetime, but too few have considered what our children or grandchildren may go through.

Forecasting The End

Here is the link to The Weather Channel’s short clips from their evening series, Forecasting The Future. This is an excellent Cliff’s Note education about what can happen to our planet.

Tips To Shift With Major Events

You can begin NOW making the much needed changes that can save you, your family, and your future loved ones from fear and discomfort.

  1. Get involved with local politics and secure that your community leaders are on their game concerning environmental and future development;
  2. Good local government bleeds into better state governments, which moves up the ladder into federal government;
  3. Spend your money supporting local farmers, shops and venders;
  4. Install alternative energy in your schools, homes, and businesses, and get off the global oil and gas grid;
  5. Bank with credit unions, local and small banks;
  6. Keep cash and small change on hand;
  7. Relocate from coastal areas, and encourage local governments to stop developing along rising shorelines;
  8. Keep stored water and dry foods/dry goods for two weeks of an emergency supply per household for both you and your pets.

Earth changes are nothing to be scared of – they are something to understand better so you can be more prepared.

Prepare for the inevitable, now and for the future, and go back to enjoying a wonderful life on this magnificent planet.


The Earth in space

Our Earth is a magnificent planet – enjoy it.