Looking At Natural Disasters From The Moon

A picture of he Earth and the Moon in space.

The Earth From Space

There is no doubt that major planetary shifts are taking place today. From our perspective, the shifts that we experience as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, and violent storms, are huge events that are changing our world as we know it. But these natural disasters are no big deal to our planet. The Earth is merely stretching its muscles.

Earthquakes Are No Big Deal

A natural disaster  is merely a tiny reaction to the Earth. Look closely at an earthquake: earthquakes don’t “move” the Earth – the Earth’s natural “spin” moves the crust, and that causes earthquakes. Earthquakes are tiny movements to the Earth.

Today, the Earth’s axis is very unstable, and this is causing the Earth to wobble. The more the Earth quivers as it spins, more crust breaks apart. To the Earth, these are just insignificant cracks, landslides, and sinkholes in the crust that are no big deal. Think of it like a small rock hitting your windshield. To the people living in the cities built on top of these cracks and sinkholes, they can be huge disasters.

Looking Down At The Earth

A picture of the Earth and the Moon from space

Looking at the massive Earth from the Moon

Imagine looking at the Earth from the Moon. Our planet is enormous, and much too large to notice a little wobble in rotation. We can’t “see” our world wobble as it turns. Our massive planet quivers, and this causes a reaction in the atmosphere, on the surface, and within the interior of the Earth.  We cannot “see” these reactions, but we surely experience their consequences as natural disasters.

From your observation point standing on the Moon, envision the March 2011 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan. This break in the Earth’s crust was a massive movement at the surface, but from the Moon, this quake was a microscopic pinprick. Major earthquakes cannot be “seen” from space because earthquakes are not powerful enough to shift the Earth.

Try This Solution

Bridges are constructed in areas prone to natural disasters.

Bridging Over Disaster Zones

The damage earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and massive floods create on the the Earth can be disastrous to humans because we have built our cities, bridges, and power grids on top of natural disaster zones. But, these major Earth events are not going to stop anytime soon.

Let’s try this solution to make things better: let’s stop building on the cracks, over sinkholes, and near the hot spots. Let’s stop building too close to the edges of oceans, seas, rivers, and swamps, and let’s stop sprawling the population into areas that we do not belong. This is the ONLY solution to prevent more human disasters.

Right now, the Earth is stretching her muscles and shifting her position a little. It’s no biggie for the planet – it’s disastrous to humans.

Let’s move on down the road much smarter, and start enjoying the ride.

Earth Pole Shift Influenced By Jupiter Q&A

Earth question symbol represented by a world globe model with a geographic shape of a mark questioning the state of the environment the international economy and political situation.

Questions About The Earth

26,000 Year Changes

Q: After a little reading from an abstract from the Science Magazine article The Earth’s Tilt Change, 2003 Global Climate Change by Karl and Trenberth,  they wrote that
orbital forcing is due to the following:  Insolation, Precession, and
Eccentricity (E).

The text says that the effect of the slow 26,000 year+
changes are due to the interaction of the Sun and Moon, equally.  This article
also says the interaction is due to Jupiter and Saturn.

Which is it?

I know that the knowledge is sometimes unavailable.

How Jupiter Influences Earth

Picture of Dr. Hull at the North Texas Tortoise Sanctuary

From Dr. Hull

A: What an excellent question. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  Research “precession” on the Internet and this will enlighten you quite a bit. Precession is one of the most critical Earth movements, yet one of the least studied.

The Earth revolves around the Sun at very rapid speeds, completing approximately 365.25 turns on its axis while it orbits the Sun at a speed of 67,000 mph. The Earth spins on its axis every 24 hours, turning at 1,035 mph at the equator and decreasing in speed closer to the North and South Poles. The speed of rotation at the North Pole is so slow, it is almost no speed at all.

Rotation changes the Earth’s shape from a perfect sphere to slightly flat at the poles and slightly bulging at the equator, with an equatorial diameter about 43 kilometers (27 miles) larger than its polar diameter. Spinning at incredible speed, the equatorial bulge causes the Earth to wobble, like a toy top.  The influences of the Sun and the Moon on the equatorial bulge makes the Earth wobble all the more, and this is called precession.

The solar system spins, the galaxy spins, and the Universe expands. The motion of every orb in our solar system affects the whole, and when a shift takes place with one orb, the entire cosmic equilibrium is shifted, too. A comet could pass too close to Jupiter, let’s say, and rock it or alter its equilibrium, which will set off a vibration felt throughout the solar system. Even if it’s a minor “push”, the other planets will respond. A mere tip of our Earth’s axis is minor in solar system standards, bu, this is a major shift to the circulation patterns on the Earth. Just a 1/2-degree shift at the geographic poles would alter ALL the wind and ocean currents on Earth, and this changes ALL life on our planet. These climate changes are minor on a cosmic scale, but MAJOR to all life on Earth.

On March 11, 2011, the poles became critically unstable and the Earth’s speed of rotation increased with a jerk-like motion. This acceleration caused one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history to hit off the east coast of Japan. Because the Earth’s circle of rotation is now widening at the poles and the speed of rotation is erratic, this polar shift redistributed the Earth’s mass and shifted the Earth’s crust. Because the Earth is big – very big – the earthquake in Japan was actually a tiny movement.

As you are witnessing today, the Earth – climate, earthquakes, volcanoes, and flooding – have NEVER been the same since the 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan on March 11. 2011. The Earth IS changing, and now you can better understand how Jupiter can influence our planet.