Look Up And Then Look Down – Ways To Watch The Eclipse

the sun shining brightly behind a cloud

Enjoy being a part of history.

I’m sure you know that tomorrow you’ll get to be a part of history. It’s been over 200 years since North America experienced a total eclipse of the Sun, and I hope there is no cloud cover. Even if there is, you will still be able to sense the eclipse – the temperature will drop for about 4 minutes.

There are between two and five solar eclipses every year somewhere on the Earth, but total eclipses only happen about once every 18 months. The same particular spot on Earth will witness a total solar eclipse only once in 400 years.

What makes this North American eclipse so special is that it has not crossed Mexico, America, and Canada on this path in over 200 years – the last time was in 1775 during the American Revolution.

If there are no clouds during the eclipse, or spotty clouds, remember to look down, too. As the moon gets closer to covering the Sun 100%, the leaves on the trees will reflect the eclipse onto the ground.

So, look up and then look down – you will actually see the eclipse on the ground, too.

Make sure to keep your eyes safe, so don’t look into the Sun without eye protection, but FYI, when the moon covers the Sun 100%, you can glance at the Sun quickly without eye protection.

Then look down on the ground at the shadows from the leaves on the trees – you’ll see the eclipse on the ground.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Earthquakes and volcanoes increase during a solar eclipse.

It is not unusual for earthquakes and volcanoes to respond to the gravitational pull of the moon coming in between the Earth and the Sun.

Major earthquakes have been occurring all over the planet, as well as volcanic eruptions. Poas in Costa Rica is erupting right now, and Fuego is also active in Guatemala; exploding around 5-9 times per hour producing impressive ash plumes.

These volcanoes in Central America are heating up the Gulf of Mexico, so expect a more active hurricane season in the Gulf this year.

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked New Jersey in April 2024, and was felt all the way into Canada and throughout New York State. Geologists are closely watching the New Madrid fault zone, predicting it will have an earthquake soon.

We’ll see.

No doubt, you are witnessing the powerful influence of the Sun on the Earth right now.

Look up and don’t forget to look down, too. This is exciting.

The path of the North American Solar eclipse


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. 

You have our permission to reprint this article if you attribute us with a live back-link to this article and the youtube links. http://www.janethull.com/




The Sun Influences The Earth More Than You Know

A weather map of Typhoon Wipha.

Deadly storms were once rare. Today, they are increasing in number and in strength.

The 2017 hurricane season started off with record=breaking storms, and it looks like the storms are going to keep coming.

Earthquakes, too.

And volcanoes.

Add more droughts and wildfires.

And floods.

What most people don’t realize is the root cause of natural disasters starts with the Sun.

Our Sun is undergoing some serious changes right now, and it is affecting all life on Earth. This explains the changes we are seeing today.

The Sun Is Driving This Bus

Super Typhoon from NOAA the Philippines

The Sun is the primary influence behind our weather.

Energy from the Sun is very important to all life on Earth. The Sun warms our planet and heats the surface, the oceans and the atmosphere. This atmospheric energy is one of the primary drivers of our weather.

Our climate is also strongly affected by the amount of solar radiation received on the Earth.

Climate change and “global warming” are not caused by humans – they are driven by the Earth itself, and that is determined by the Sun.

Now note that humans won’t get off the hook here. Humans are messing in our nest – we are destroying ecosystems worldwide, polluting the land, water and air, and we are depleting the Earth’s natural resources at a record rate.

A picture of a solar flare, or CME, exploding off the surface of the Sun.

Humans are polluting the Earth, no doubt, but the Sun is the primary reason we are experiencing global climate change.

Humans have created GMO farming, which destroys the Earth’s pollination and the natural mineralization of the soil. And our pesticides are killing the pollinators (the bees and butterflies) in massive numbers.

But, there is a big difference between the damage irresponsible humans are doing to the Earth and the powerful influences of the Sun.

The Sun warms our planet, so when the Sun heats up – um hum, the Earth heats up. There is nothing we humans can do about it.

Learn More About The Sun

In order to better understand climate change, natural disasters, and Earth events that have never been seen in modern human history, study the Sun and its cycles. 

The Sun:

  1. affects all life on Earth;
  2. influences fertility and the reproduction of plants and animals;
  3. determines an animal’s mood;
  4. creates earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes;
  5. influences rainfall;
  6. determines temperature.

Here are 3 videos to get you started learning more about the Sun:



As we witness natural disasters increasing today, learn all that you can about them. This is the only way that we can stay safe, and possibly prevent more disasters in the future. 


You have our permission to reprint this article if you attribute us with a live back-link to this article and the youtube links. http://www.extinctiontheory.com/