Dr. Hull's Earth Changes Articles

Global Cooling – Major Ice Storm Ahead

A picture of the ice melting in Antarctica
Arctic ice melting at the same time it is beginning to refreeze due to a Mini-Ice Age..

Today, global warming is a trend, but is it accurate?


Our planet is heading into a natural cooling cycle – as a matter of fact, we are entering a Mini-Ice Age.

February 2021 will be one of the best examples of this, so get out your parka and gloves. Prepare to shovel lots of snow off your roof in the higher latitudes.

Head’s Up

A blizzard
The entire Northern Hemisphere will experience record winter storms this week.

There is a BIG winter storm coming this week, and it should cover most of the Northern Hemisphere by the 10th and 11th of February.

We are moving into a mini-Ice Age, and because our magnetic field is weakening, the cold air will start sliding down from the North Pole and cover the continents in the Northern Hemisphere. Ice will form on the continents, forming new glaciers as opposed to forming within the waters of the Arctic.

Right now, it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and summer in the Southern Hemisphere, so warm air will travel north from Antarctica. This balances the Earth’s temperature as the north gets colder.

One side of both the Arctic and Antarctic regions will begin to melt, while the “other” side of these polar areas will form thicker ice sheets due to their position to the Sun and a weakening magnetic field.

This winter storm will be a doozy, and again, is an example of the Earth changes of global cooling.

Stay safe and warm. And get your snow shovel out.

A baby and mother polar bear looking endearing at one another.
This new fad called climate change is steering us in the wrong direction.

Real Climate Change Solution #19

What’s wrong with working together with other countries?

Every country around the world has different natural resources, from oil and gas to gold and silver.

Instead of creating revolutions and wars so the most powerful country can steal these resources, let’s start working together in peace for the benefit of the entire world.

Come on rulers of the world – let’s start working together in peace and prosperity for all.


a picture of the earth meme #19

Real Climate Change Solution #19

Real Climate Change Solution #20

I’ve had it with these protests.

Not only are the adults in the room teaching our children the wrong message to protest with anger, we are NOT teaching the solutions to human environmental pollution, and we are NOT teaching the differences between man-made environmental pollution and NATURAL planetary changes.

Instead of teaching students to be angry and to protest, teach them how to gather together for positive changes – teach them to clean up the trash in our cities, help them plant trees, and show them how to love this planet as opposed to spreading hate and negativity.


young people protesting

Real Climate Change Solution #20                                  www.extinctiontheory.com