Learn to Respect Nature. Prepare – Don’t Fear. Watch This Live Stream Of Hurricane Beryl.

Super Typhoon from NOAA the Philippines

Do you live in a hurricane area?.

This year is going to be an active hurricane season – not because you drive an SUV or because you love bonfires. It’s active because the Earth and the Sun are going through a natural cycle. Hurricanes cool off the hot ocean waters, and this is Nature’s way of balancing the sea life.

Hat’s Off to Mother Nature!

That said, you need to learn how to respect Nature’s cycles, and prepare for storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. Don’t fear them.

If you live in an area that experiences natural disasters, consider relocating to an area with less powerful storms. If you want to live in these areas, which is fine, simply make sure you have a plan to either evacuate or tuck into a safe place to weather the storm.

Experiencing a weather event is scary, but when you prepare and have a Plan B, you can learn to respect the power of our magnificent planet. Live and learn – it only makes you wiser. And, you can protect your pets, too.

Stay safe when Nature is doing its thing. This video is long, but these storm chasers and youtubers are providing us with the experience like we’ve never seen before. Thank you to the chasers who provided these clips of Hurricane Beryl for us to understand Nature’s power.


Is The Green New Deal Real? Not When We Can Remove Toxic Landfills To Stop Global Warming

Everything in a landfill can be recycled.

A massive landfill caught fire during a scorching heat wave in India on April 27, 2022. The landfill is taller than a 17-story building and covers an area bigger than 50 football fields.

Toxic smoke hung over New Delhi for days after the landfill caught fire, forcing people to endure hazardous conditions.

South Asia, including India, is experiencing a record-shattering heat wave that experts say was a catalyst for the landfill fire. Three other landfills around New Delhi have also caught fire in recent weeks.

Global warming, the Green New Deal, climate change – whatever you choose to call it –  is merely human negligence, human waste, and ignorance. Before we adopt drastic, incorrect, and expensive new energy laws, let’s solve these problems first.

This Indian landfill fire could have been avoided because everything we put into a landfill can be recycled – everything!

Toxic Landfills

This large Indian landfill was planned for closure more than 10-years ago, but it obviously has never been closed. By 2022, more than 2,300 tons of the city’s garbage is still being dumped there every day. The organic waste in the landfill decays, too, and this builds-up highly combustible methane gas.

If world leaders blame cow farts and SUVs for the increase in toxic methane levels in the atmosphere, they must consider that the source of the problem may be toxic landfills piercing the Earth’s crust all over the world.

Let’s fix this problem before we cull all the dairy cows and triple the price of gasoline, you think?

Reactor 4 at the Fukushima nuclear reactor is tipping and sinking into the ground.

Humans are the worst polluters on the planet, and this is one of the real causes of global warming, especially in big cities.

  1. Canada’s total waste generation is the largest in the entire world. It has an estimated annual waste total of 1,325,480,289 metric tons.
  2. New York is the world’s most wasteful city. New York uses the most energy, disposes of the most trash (33m tonnes per year), and uses the most water.
  3. Americans generate a huge amount of waste with an estimated 4.5 pounds of municipal solid waste per person per day, of which 55% is residential garbage.

After we have resolved the growing landfill problem, let’s turn our focus to other ways we can clean up polluting cities and countries before we make “Green New Deal” changes that aren’t addressing the real global warming issues.

Let’s responsibly address our myriad effects of human pollution (that can be easily fixed), such as recycling our trash before we get mislead into bogus Green New Deals!


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