Today Is One of 365 Earth Days

A picture of a child's hand and an adult's hand holding the Earth. showing that by adopting a new view of the Earth, humanity can move into the future in the right direction.

Moving Into A Better Future

Today is Earth Day: a day when we teach our kids to appreciate the Earth; a day when volunteer groups tackle environmental projects that have been put off; a day when our lawmakers spend a little more time reflecting how current Earth changes are really impacting modern society.

Today is also the day to realize that merely ONE day out of 365 days is not the only day to activate Earth awareness.

What’s Happening Today?

The Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska are undergoing an earthquake swarm. Guerrero, Mexico had a 6.0 magnitude quake early this morning after the Izu Volcanic Islands in Japan had another 6.1 quake. There are over a dozen volcanoes worldwide that are active, and over seven countries inundated with severe floods, including Hawaii, which is flooding due to the number of earthquakes stirring the ocean waters along the Pacific Rim . 

This reality is not meant to spoil your Earh Day – it’s meant to SHIFT YOUR AWARENESS.

The Next 364 Earth Days

Tomorrow, don’t ignore your Earth Day awareness. Our global society can move into a more positive future if we practice a daily reality check admitting that the Earth is not the same as it was a decade ago, or a century ago, or merely yesterday. The Earth is changing and moving into a new cosmic cycle. Our solar system is changing, our galaxy is changing. Our Universe is changing. The Earth is growing older, and as the Earth continues to change, all life on Earth must change with it.

The more complex societies become, the more conditions we place on each other and on Nature. In our attempt to manage the chaos that we have created, we create more. Our edicts are unnatural laws of Nature now; they no longer maintain a healthy relationship with the Earth. We have put giving back to Nature on the back burner.

It is time that we realize that we cannot stop Earth changes, we cannot continue to take more from the Earth than we give back, and we MUST learn how to go along for the ride. The Earth is driving this bus, and the sooner we admit this fact, the grander our time on Earth will be.