The Earth Is Getting Colder, Not Warmer

A beautiful picture of a tree lined road in winter covered in snow.

There is little doubt that the Earth is getting colder in the Northern Hemisphere, and that this is a natural phenomenon.

This record-cold winter in the Northern Hemisphere has awakened most people to the fact that the Earth is getting colder, not warmer. All the hoo-haw about global warming and the human greenhouse effect is misleading.

This doesn’t mean that humans are not irresponsibly making things worse by adding to the natural CO2 levels; no, no, no. This means the opposite – that the “west” must wake up to the fact that we ARE making things much, much worse for our future survival.

Western science has fallen waaaaay behind the eight-ball because we have lost touch with Nature to the point that we no longer know what’s really going on. Westerners think that we are awesome because we have “technology” to fuel chronic convenience.

We focus on nuclear power plants, GMO seeds, and fancy autos run on oil. We are not investing our time and tax dollars into alternative energies that are provided freely – and abundantly  – by the Earth. We have forgotten that advanced humans are those that live in a respectful balance with Nature with no price tag on the Earth’s resources.

Well, it’s time to admit that the Earth is moving forward without us in a way that is controlled by the cosmos, and that humans have NO POWER to change it. We are wasting valuable time and money trying to stay stuck in a profitable past.

Has The Sun Gone To Sleep?

This is an awesome video news story from the BBC about the current solar cycle that seems to be “surprising” many scientists. The Sun appears to be cooling to the point that the Earth is moving into a mini-Ice Age.

The Northern Hemisphere is getting colder as the Southern Hemisphere heats up.

The Better Scientists

A climate chart showing the Earth is causing climate change, not humans.

German scientists have proven that the Earth’s “climate” is driven by natural cycles, not humans.(Click to enlarge.)

There is some great atmospheric and cosmic science coming out of Europe. Sadly, like most all scientific fields these days, America is falling behind.

It seems if scientific results do not benefit the profiteers in the Western world, the research is either dispelled or silenced, and this has served to keep most Americans unaware.

Pay attention to the research going on outside of the USA, and learn from these “global” researchers what is really going on with the Earth and climate change.

Here lies the solutions!

A collage of products that we market for money.

Humans put price tags on the Earth for personal gain, profit, and this point of view is what threatens our survival.

Messed Our Nest

There is no question that Westerners are causing much damage to the Earth, and are responsible for the majority of animal dye-offs.  We have messed our nest, and we are being brats about it, too.

We cannot change the cosmic destiny that we are witnessing today. We CAN learn more about it, however.

The Earth’s resources are not “for sale“, and once we stop putting price tags on the free resources available to us, we can ride out these NATURAL changes with much more joy, before it’s too late.

Cuba Rattled By Two 5.0 Quakes

Google map of distance between Key West and Cuba.

Two 5.0 earthquakes rocked Cuba January 2014 merely 132 miles south of Florida – Google Maps.

Just as the Sun blasts a CME at the Earth, Cuba has two 5.0 earthquakes. Coincidence? Probably not.

CMEs and Earthquakes

There is a connection between solar flares and the increase in earthquakes, but the science isn’t saying much to confirm this – well, “mainstream science“, that is. The buzz amid alternative scientists is all about comparing the data, and it is most convincing.  

The Sun certainly influences plate movement on our little planet.


CME or no CME, the northern coast of Cuba had two 5.0 quakes on January 9, 2014.

  1. 5.0  38 km N of Corralillo, Cuba
  2. 5.1  24 km NNW of Corralillo, Cuba (one hour later)

Corralillo, Cuba is 132 miles south of Key West, Florida. THIS is an interesting place for two, large and unusual earthquakes to occur ….. eyes open!


Happy New Year, Vanuatu – 6.6 Quake Shakes Ancient Crust

A USGS small globe showing the May 1, 2013 earthquake swarm around Vanuatu.

The new year started with a 6.6 quake at Vanuatu – USGS

The first day of 2014 started off with a bang – a 6.6 magnitude quake rocked the island of Vanuatu, and luckily, a Pacific tsunami warning was not issued.

The Pacific Rim and Ring of Fire have been very active this holiday season, and Hawaii has been under flood alerts for the past several days from quakes occurring all along the Ring of Fire. This New Year’s quake may not have generated a tsunami, but you can guarantee that it will increase flooding along the coastlines from Northern Australia and New Zealand to New Guinea and Hawaii.

Vanuatu Is The Ancient Starting Point

I have always believed that Vanuatu is part of the oldest and most ancient section of the Pacific Ocean, and is one of the deepest places on the Earth where the planetary shifts begin.

If you study the patterns of polar shifting and the inceases in global earthquakes, you can see that the BIG crustal shifts begin at Vanuatu.

Pay attention to the reverb from this 6.6 quake. I suspect larger quakes will follow around the world in the days and weeks to come.

Happy New Year everyone – remember to keep your feet firmly on the ground, but don’t be alarmed if the ground shakes a little…