Super Moon Causes Big Earthquakes At Equator

A picture of the Earth with an earthquake crack going down the USA and S America

2013 Super Moon created large earthquakes at the equator.

This year’s Super Moon did cause large earthquakes to occur at the equator.  On June 23, 2013 when the Moon was the very closest to our Earth, Papua New Guinea and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge both began to move. The earthquakes were on opposite sides of the Earth, but both were close to the equator where the Earth bulges.

Chain of Super Moon Quakes

June 23, 2013

The USGS small globe showing the June 2013 earthquake in Papua New Guinea

Super Moon quakes at Papua New Guinea – USGS


4.7 Papua New Guinea

5.0 Papua New Guinea

5.2 Costa Rica (same latitude as Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

5.0 Mid-Atlantic Ridge


The USGS small globe showing the June 2013 earthquake at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Super Moon quakes at Mid-Atlantic Ridge – USGS

June 24, 2013

5.5 Papua New Guinea

4.7 Papua New Guinea

4.7 Papua New Guinea

5.5 Papua New Guinea

6.6 Mid-Atlantic Ridge (downgraded to 6.4)

More Quakes Shake The Equator

The nearer and larger any mass is to the Earth, the more influence it has on the Earth.  We all know that the Moon influences our tides, so you can appreciate the fact that the Super Moon influences our equator’s watery bulge.

The Super Moon effects the Earth for more than just one day – the Moon is actually close to the Earth for about 4 months. On June 23, the Moon was at its CLOSEST, but it will still be very close to the Earth for another couple of months.

This means that the Moon will still have a great effect on the tides and on the equator.

So, monitor USGS earthquake alerts for more quakes to shake the equator.



How The Moon Influences Life On Earth

A picture of the Earth and the Moon from space

Our Moon influences the Earth more than you realize.

The Earth’s little satellite – the Moon – influences our planet more than you think. Without our Moon, life on Earth would be very different. If the Moon changes, even the slightest bit, life changes with it.

Our Wobble

The Earth spins on its axis every 24 hours, turning at 1,035 mph at the equator and decreasing in speed the closer you get to the North and South Poles. The speed of rotation at the North Pole is so slow it is almost no speed at all.

Rotation changes the Earth’s shape from a perfect sphere to slightly flat at the poles and slightly bulging at the equator; the Earth’s equatorial diameter is about 43 kilometers (27 miles) larger than its polar diameter.

Spinning at incredible speed, the equatorial bulge causes the Earth to wobble, like a toy top.  The influences of the Sun and the Moon on the equatorial bulge makes the Earth wobble all the more, and this is called precession.

The Earth’s precession is controlled by the gravitational forces of the Sun and the Moon.

Our Unpredictable Planet

A picture of the Earth and a toy top comparing how the Earth spins like a toy top.

The Earth spins and wobbles like a toy top.

Any out of the ordinary event or unknown dynamic change in our galaxy, on the Sun, at the Moon, and on the Earth, itself, can shift the Earth and alter the forces affecting it. We must prepare for all possibilities, and understand that our planet, as all planets, isn’t predictable.

The Moon Makes Us Quiver

All the planets in our solar system precess, and our solar system, itself, precesses around a galactic axis. Due to their own ever-changing positions, the Sun and Moon cause periodic variations in both the Earth’s precessional speed and axis tilt. This disrupts rotation and creates a quiver at the axis. These quivers cause the Earth’s poles to vibrate much like a toy top.

We aren’t paying attention to the fact that the recent increase in natural disasters is coinciding with a shift in the Earth’s rotation and precession. For the first time in recorded history, we are experiencing this “quiver” stimulating earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, global floods, and climate changes.

The increase in earthquakes is a reaction to the Earth’s unstable spin. Earthquakes don’t “move” the Earth’s axis – the Earth’s “unstable spin” moves the crust, and that causes earthquakes.

And this all this starts with the Sun and the Moon.

A photo of a Super moon.

June 23, 2013 Super Moon.

The Super Moon’s Influence

A Super Moon takes place one time each year when the Moon’s orbit is the closest to Earth. The nearer and larger any mass is to the Earth, the more influence it has on the Earth – and the Earth has influence on it, too.

A force pushing in the direction of the Earth’s rotation can cause the Earth to speed up or to slow down its normal rotation; a driving force at a right angle to the Earth’s direction of precession can change the Earth’s direction entirely.

Our Moon revolves around the Earth at a somewhat constant speed, but its direction of travel is continuously changing because of the Earth’s gravity influencing it at the same time the Moon influences the Earth.


The influences of the Moon and the Sun provide torque on the Earth, and this “pulling and twisting” manipulates the axis. After spinning for million of years, these forces have changed over time and they cause the Earth’s rotation to be erratic – it widens and then slows down. This adds to the “wobble” at the North and South Poles, and like the toy top, eventually, the entire planet “tips” downward. Like the toy top, a change in the force pulling the Earth, such as the Moon, shifts the Earth.

Fast Or Slow

If the forces from the Moon weaken, precession becomes more unstable; the weaker the force, the larger and slower the circle of rotation. On the other hand, if the forces from the Moon increase, precession still becomes unstable because the circle of rotation gets smaller and faster. Either way, these changes influence the Earth’s rotation, and create a quivering at the poles – and this causes major Earth changes.

As the Supermoon gets closer to the Earth in the next 36 hours, watch to see if rotation is changed just enough to make noticeable changes. Increases in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and super storms would be my guess.

Look Out For The Super Moon June 22 and 23, 2013

A photo of a Super moon.

A Super Moon

Don’t miss the biggest, brightest Moon of 2013. On June 22 and 23, the Moon will be closer to the Earth than at any other time during the year. This upcoming Super Moon will be the closest encounter between the Earth and the Moon until August 2014.

Super Moons

This June 2013 Super Moon will occur when the Moon reaches its closest distance to the Earth at exactly 7:32 am EST (4:32 am PST) on June 23, but because it will be peaking in the early morning hours, on both June 22 and June 23 you will be able to see a larger and brighter than normal Super Moon – about 14% larger and 30% brighter than a typical Full Moon.

Super Moons are the result of the Moon’s orbit reaching perigee, which is the closest point that it gets to the Earth during its orbit. During perigee on June 22-23, the Moon will be about 221,824 miles from Earth, as compared to the 252,581 miles away at its furthest distance from the Earth (apogee). The Moon will actually be at apogee two weeks after the Super Moon, on July 7.

High Tides And Earthquakes

Super Moons create stronger tides that are a few inches higher than Full Moon tides. If powerful storm systems are occurring during these two days, significant flooding is a possibility. Because the Moon influences both oceanic and crustal tides, it is also a possibility that this Super Moon could increase earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. At the very least, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes to the sky. Don’t miss this incredible Moon event.