Does The Earth Change For Us Or Do We Change For The Planet?

Apicture of an ant standing up with a tilted head

It is so hard for real environmental scientists to watch the climate debates today …. it is unfortunate that younger kids are not getting a proper Earth Science education in public schools anymore – they are not learning Earth history or historic geology, so they really don’t know what is ahead.

Little kids are now living in fear of this magnificent planet as opposed to respecting our amazing home.

Today, people are not separating man-made pollution from natural Earth cycles. I call it “messing in our nest.” And, I don’t see anyone proposing real futuristic solutions, such as promoting hemp for plastic, cotton, and paper replacements. Hemp straws would be awesome.

We could easily introduce aquaponic farming in Africa and there would be no more hunger. People and the economy could soar with new futuristic businesses.

Iceland runs their cars on 100% geothermal from their volcanoes. Ford makes their engines.

throwing an aluminum can into a mesh waste basket

Climate Change Solution #2 Recycle Everything

We could recycle more than we do.

And, why do we continue to rebuild our cities, like New Orleans, in the same danger zones that get damaged over and over again?

People have not been around long enough to know that we originally built big cities, massive highways and sky scrapers in the wrong places. Now we know better, but we don’t stop doing it.

Cutting down the rain forest is totally unnecessary – replace paper with hemp.

Our geologic past historic data is being ignored.  We are doing NOTHING to build future economies – real solid economies.

A green dollar sign with a leaf on its top.

There is a lot of money to be made implementing new, futuristic environmental solutions.

This is an information and political battle at the Earth’s expense. We WILL lose if we don’t educate ourselves that humans are merely in the wrong places, pushing against the Earth – the power of the Earth will be our demise if we don’t get smarter – faster.

We need to create new ways to ADAPT to Earth changes, and stop forcing the planet to change for us.

Big Changes Ahead Series – What’s Really Going On Today

A picture of a hand holding a glowing earth globe in his hand with a butterfly on the globe.Back in 1991, I was teaching Environmental Science and International Geography at The University of North Texas when I wrote the book Move Onto The Highest Mountains. At that time, I was researching why recent Earth changes and Natural Disasters were increasing.

I discovered that the location of the Earth’s North and South geographic poles over the past 500 myr is the underlying cause behind the historic Earth events occurring today.

And I mapped it. Starting from 500 myr ago.

I was ahead of my time. 

No one could understand what I had discovered. People were’t even talking about “global warming” back then. We have lived in an “out of sight-out of mind” scenario – until a natural disaster affects someone personally, people just don’t get it; they do not engage unless it affects them directly.

That said, our general awareness is improving some today because as the Earth’s poles become more unstable, the effects are very noticeable now. They are beginning to impact everyone’s life around the world.

Now it’s time to introduce my discovery – the time has come for those who know that something is very wrong with our planet learn what I uncovered. People are finally figuring out that current, historic Earth changes are not due to man-made global warming caused by your fireplace or your SUV. Yes, we are polluting our planet beyond reason. And yes, our destruction of the Earth’s ecosystems is criminal.

Think Fukushima. Consider GMO farming.

Messing in our nest is definitely making life worse and killing millions of plant and animal species on our planet, but the core cause to the threat of our survival is much bigger than pollution and our irresponsibility.

Much more powerful.

three scary skulls representing Judgment Day

We are polluting our planet beyond reason.

What’s Really Going On Today

The changes going on today are due to the culmination of many things, but the main driver is a massive Earth shift happening right under our noses. Even though this natural, cyclic event isn’t widely understood as the reason we have an increase in natural disasters today, my research introduces this possibility and must be added to the mix.

Earthquakes and volcanoes, bizarre temperature changes, mammoth tornadoes, unexpected hurricanes, and record floods: these major Earth events have been relatively quiet throughout our history, but our planet is “waking up” today and more Earth activity and natural disasters are on the horizon.

The Earth is forever changing, and this is the thread of the human story that we face today.

Most of us are faced with man-made issues like pollution, depleted natural resources, corrupted finances and over-crowded spaces. We have been too busy trying to survive to notice that the planet Earth is making big changes, and these changes will affect us all.

An Unstable Axis

The Earth’s rotation on its axis has become increasingly unstable, and the rise in storms, unseasonable weather, powerful earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing, and are literally popping out of nowhere because our planet is shifting on its axis – the North Pole is changing its direction toward the Sun.

This shift will affect everyone around the globe, and that means you and me.

Move Onto The Highest Mountains is a book about the past, present and future of the planet that we call home; its a big undertaking trying to introduce such a theory within a mere, few hundred pages, but it brings to light one of the most important concepts in modern time.

This is a true story using geology as the tool to introduce a higher human awareness. The Earth is evolving, but so are we.

One helps the other understand where we have come, where we are today, where we are heading tomorrow, and why we must be aware of the Earth’s very powerful dynamics that literally determine our survival.

By rewinding a very ancient geologic clock, we can look back in time to better understand what is happening to the Earth today. By connecting the many Earth changes today with the same events that happened millions of years ago, we can better determine how our future – everyone’s future – fits into the greater plan.

“Water is a purifying agent, cleansing all that is impure.  One day, water will cover the Earth, killing many things. This will happen one day soon, so we must move onto the highest mountains to survive.”
– Ancient American Indians, written in 540 A.D.

A picture of one of the giant heads on Easter Island.

The ancients strived to reach their highest peak of personal awareness.

The ancients strived to reach their highest peak of personal awareness in order to better understand the Earth; this kept them in balance with Nature. Modern humans have gotten lost along the way.

If we are going to survive as a species alongside the Earth’s very powerful forces, we, as individuals, must remember that when the Earth shifts, we shift with it.

To date, my book agent has not been able to find a publisher interested in my discovery. So, I will publish it online. In the meantime in order to increase awareness, I will be writing a series of blog posts taken from my book, Move Onto The Highest Mountains.

Stay tuned.

An exit sign on a highway that says Changes: Next Exit

We can’t stop inevitable Earth changes. But, we can certainly learn more about them.

How We Can Save Our Planet. It’s Insanely Simple.

three scary skulls representing Judgment Day

If we are going to survive on this planet, we need to get our smarts on, and start thinking differently.

I don’t care who you are – a movie star, a rock star, a CEO, an elected politician or a Walmart greeter. If you are one of the people claiming that humans have caused earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or hurricanes, you are doing this planet more harm than good.

Go take an Earth Science class. You’ll be amazed what you will learn because we need to get our smarts on, and start thinking differently if we are going to survive on this planet.

Humans have become so arrogant, we expect Nature to conform to our wishes as opposed to modifying our lifestyles to balance with Nature. Hence, modern humans have been trying to control Nature, and we don’t know who to blame when that control does not succeed.

When I see someone like singer Beyoncé use her popularity to try to convince her fans that humans are the cause of natural disasters, global warming, and climate change, I get frustrated, and very sad at the ignorance that’s epidemic today.

Maybe these people mean well, but they are grossly off-base, and they have this all wrong.

Let’s start with understanding that there is a BIG difference between natural Earth cycles and human pollution.

Humans are contributing to the harmful effects of natural disasters through geo-engineering, destructive endless war, and infinite pollution – this means that we are messing in our nests and making things worse. 

Our bad decisions, our desire to control all life around us, and endless pollution is NOT the cause of Earth changes. 

The cause is the Earth itself. 

We need to put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren't causing climate change - they are just making things worse.

We need to put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren’t causing climate change – they are just making things worse.

If people like Beyoncé want to keep blaming humanity, then the solution is to STOP the wars, STOP dumping plastic and radiation in the oceans, STOP chemtrails and geo-engineering, STOP using oil and gas, invest tax dollars in to alternative energies, and put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren’t creating hurricanes – we are just making these natural events worse.

Humans are not more powerful than this magnificent planet, and we must get this through our heads sooner than later if we want to survive more upcoming Earth changes.

And, more are coming. They will never stop. Nor should they.

Learn The Difference Between Climate Change And Human Pollution

I cannot stress enough the difference between natural Earth cycles, which result in crazy Earth changes, and human pollution, which makes the situations worse

Humans are in the way.

We are messing in our nest, and this is creating historic pollution that will kill this planet if we don’t wake up. 

When a hurricane comes on shore or when a wildfire sadly burns thousands of acres of forests and farmland, the Earth’s natural cycle of restoration kicks into gear, and Nature regenerates. Animals either fly away, swim away or burrow deep underground in order to survive. Not all make it, but most can, and do.

What do humans do?

  • We construct major cities in natural disaster zones;
  • Humans build million dollar vacation homes within hurricane pathways;
  • Housing developers construct cheap housing developments without basements in tornado alleys;
  • We make flooding worse by paving miles and miles of concrete over porous farm fields and meadows – soil that naturally absorbs water and storm run-off.
A picture of Hong Kong, Japan, a major city built within a natural disaster zone.

Humans build major populated cities on top of active earthquake zones and too close to the oceans.

Then we blame Nature when a natural disaster occurs, and we whine that a natural disaster destroyed our man-made possessions.

Why Humans Don’t Cause Climate Change

Humans do not cause climate change. Natural disasters, climate change, Ice Ages and global warming are all part of the Earth’s on-going operating system. 

That said, humans DO CAUSE many tragic effects.

Oil pumps in the sunset.

Our addiction to oil and gas is creating many environmental problems, but we refuse to replace this industry with one much cleaner.

  1. Humans POLLUTE with chemicals and man-made products that DO NOT decompose, such as plastics;
  2. Humans destroy Nature through the demolition of war;
  3. Humans experiment with the atmosphere trying to control it by playing around with geo-engineering, which dangerously interrupts the ocean currents and natural weather patterns. (THIS can result in stronger hurricanes.);
  4. Humans are destroying the oceans with not only non-degradable packaging, medical waste, and trash, but Fukushima is doing damage to the Pacific Ocean that is being downplayed by global governments;
  5. Humans cut down thousands of acres of forests for timber and farming;
  6. Humans refuse to give up their addiction to petroleum, which suppresses alternative energy progress.

The list goes on, and I get very frustrated with the totally misleading “global warming meme” being pushed today.

A line of wooden power poles.

Our power grid is antiquated beyond its limits. When it is destroyed in a hurricane, we don’t change things – we simply put the poles back up in the same places.

Yes, we have messed in our nest, and when a natural disaster destroys are man-made world, we DO NOT rebuild in more futuristic ways, nor are we implementing solutions to stop endless wars, pollution of every kind, or improve our ignorance.

Wake up people, and wake up those around you. Put your smarts on, and stop listening to the stupidity of mainstream pop stars.

Humans are not the cause of  today’s Earth changes, but we are certainly making things worse and we are not doing anything to change it.


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