Deadly 6.8 Magnitude Quake Strikes Morocco

A deadly 6.8 quake struck in Morocco.

A shallow earthquake hit Morocco yesterday killing over 1,000 people, so far that is – they are still digging through the rubble.

It broke inside the crust 16 miles down in the lithosphere, but this is considered shallow! Shallow quakes cause more damage on the surface of the crust than deeper quakes, which are hundreds of miles down.

Shaking was felt over 125 miles from the epicenter. Let’s say this earthquake hit in Dallas – you would feel it in East Texas.

Over 6 million people have been affected from this quake in some way – utilities, house damage, road damage, lack of water, etc.

The quake occurred in the Atlas Mountains fault zone region. The question is … where will the next one occur? We’ll soon find out because when a large quake strikes, another one will follow somewhere else on the globe.

Our hearts go out to the people in Morocco.

Hurricane Idalia Is Coming In Hot

A picture of a road sign saying Stormy Weather Ahead

Florida is getting another hurricane.

Hurricane Idalia will make landfall in Florida as a CAT 3+ with winds between 110 – 140 mph August 30, 2023. Whew, that’ll blow down a tree or two – and a dog house.

A hurricane will have damaging winds, but what really does the most damage is the storm surge – water being fire-hosed with a force and power that will knock you over as it comes onshore. Streets flood so you can’t drive to escape, garages flood, first floors flood in your house, office, or apartment.

The dog house floods, so you want to protect your animals.

Many people don’t evacuate, but most regret it – it’s hit or miss, though. You’re never sure if the storm damage will be where you live, so many people procrastinate evacuating. Again, it’s hit or miss, but can be deadly if you make the wrong decision.

I highly recommend subscribing to this youtube and X channel for following weather disasters – Ryan Hall is better than any “weatherman” on mainstream news – he’s no drama and accurate. He’s a storm chaser, so you’ll get on-the-ground videos of tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. You’ll learn so much following one of his live streams. website live Twitter (X)

Our hearts go out to anyone who is damaged by this hurricane – including their dogs and cats, too.

A Nasa satellite picture of Hurricane Ike in 2008.

The 2023 hurricane season has been very quiet, but here’s comes Idalia.

Keeping Maui Safe – There’s More To The HAZMAT Cleanup Than You Know

Secure your health by keeping your environment clean.

Environmental toxins affect your health. Cleaning your body of toxins is no different from cleaning toxic spills in the environment. As an Environmental Nutritionist (that’s a new term – LOL), I can show you how to protect your health by cleaning your environment.

I am following the Maui fires,  as I am sure you are doing too, but I am watching the clean-up from a HAZMAT Engineer’s point of view. I’ve cleaned up many toxic spills.

Toxins in the environment can penetrate into your body, and cleaning your body (detoxing) is no different than cleaning toxins in the environment.

Most people are not trained in the remediation protocols that take place when there is an environmental spill, like the train derailment in Ohio in 2023, or after a natural disaster, like a wildfire.

There’s more to this than you know.

What I Know About Maui

Mainstream media isn’t reliable these days to tell us the truth, so much of what we hear coming out of Maui isn’t all true. Everyday, I pick through multiple social media sites and various news streams to piece together an accurate story – you have to dig on your own these days to get to the truth like we are doing with COVID.

This is what I’ve found so far:

  1. the source of the fire appears to be involved with the power lines;
  2. accountability on how this disaster has been handled is definitely being questioned;
  3. many city officers and city engineers were not properly trained in HAZMAT Responses and were not competently organized to activate the Emergency System and Emergency Protocols (we also saw this in Ohio after the toxic train spill);
  4. 80 mph tropical winds blew the fire out of control and rapidly.

It appears that now, the HAZMAT engineers appear to be following better protocols, such as explaining to the people why they are not allowing the public into the affected zones.

A HAZMAT Rundown

a gas station with trees around it and cars filling up

Natural disasters destroy gas stations, releasing toxins.

When any toxic spill occurs, the site area is closed off ASAP to prevent more toxic exposure. Environmental engineers determine how far the toxins may have spread, and as in Maui, there is a toxic no-go area.

If people are allowed within this defined parameter, they are susceptible to being exposed to toxins and harm. Until all exposure potentials are identified,  public access is denied.


Here are two examples;

  1. the fires destroyed gas stations, so gas can be seeping into the ground and into the public water supply;
  2. this gas can be combustible, but undoubtably toxic;
  3. the public sewer system and private septic tanks may have been impacted, so exposure to human waste can cause illness;
  4. toxic chemicals in homes, such as pesticides, may have been released within the environment, and exposure to these chemicals  can be toxic.

Hang on before you pass judgment on why survival supplies and other aide are being rerouted within this exposure area in Maui. They ARE being distributed by the HAZMAT engineers, firefighters, police officers, and city officials.

I hope this helps you understand the complexity of addressing a disaster like this one. Understanding helps us better assist those in need to stay healthy.
