Explosives Detonated Near Boston Marathon Finish Line

April 15, 2013 was supposed to be a special day in Boston. After months of training, the people running in the Boston Marathon expected to run hard and enjoy the day with friends and family. No one expected bombs to go off near the finish line. No one should ever expect bombs to go off anywhere.

It’s Now Or Never

Humanity is at a crossroads, and we must view the current social changes taking us by surprise with a different outlook. Our leaders have guided humanity down the wrong road for centuries. It’s time for change – it’s now or never.

Humans don’t like change, but we MUST learn to embrace change if we are to avoid situations like what happened today in Boston. Social changes begin with the individual; changes begin with you, and you, and you. Soon, enough people can shift the tides, and hopefully, the tides will change for the better of all mankind.

Are you ready?

Our Own Tug-Of-War

Humanity's Tug-Of-War Against Nature

Our Tug-Of-War Against One Another

Modern society has become far too complex. Corporations, banks, the threat of war, politics, the addiction to the power of money, and the plethora of pharmaceutical drugs, GMOs and food additives are pushing against a simple, more giving and peaceful human existence. If we do not drastically change this belief, and soon, our species will become like the dinosaur – extinct. Our planet will still be here, but life as we know it will be gone.

By adopting a new view of the Earth, humanity can move into the future in the right direction.

Moving Into A Better Future

It’s Not Too Late

It’s never too late to reverse our direction to find our way back to living in harmony with one another. This, of course, is easier said than done, but will inevitably result in the most phenomenal change in humanity since the beginning of time.

Change starts with YOU, and you can teach your children to make needed changes. You must take action and thrust your wishes and desires in the right direction. You must return to a place that is more down-to-Earth, and certainly more in synch with the goodness this planet has to offer.

“Don’t sit this one out.

You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.” – Carl Sagan