Learn to Respect Nature. Prepare – Don’t Fear. Watch This Live Stream Of Hurricane Beryl.

Super Typhoon from NOAA the Philippines

Do you live in a hurricane area?.

This year is going to be an active hurricane season – not because you drive an SUV or because you love bonfires. It’s active because the Earth and the Sun are going through a natural cycle. Hurricanes cool off the hot ocean waters, and this is Nature’s way of balancing the sea life.

Hat’s Off to Mother Nature!

That said, you need to learn how to respect Nature’s cycles, and prepare for storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. Don’t fear them.

If you live in an area that experiences natural disasters, consider relocating to an area with less powerful storms. If you want to live in these areas, which is fine, simply make sure you have a plan to either evacuate or tuck into a safe place to weather the storm.

Experiencing a weather event is scary, but when you prepare and have a Plan B, you can learn to respect the power of our magnificent planet. Live and learn – it only makes you wiser. And, you can protect your pets, too.

Stay safe when Nature is doing its thing. This video is long, but these storm chasers and youtubers are providing us with the experience like we’ve never seen before. Thank you to the chasers who provided these clips of Hurricane Beryl for us to understand Nature’s power.


Look Up And Then Look Down – Ways To Watch The Eclipse

the sun shining brightly behind a cloud

Enjoy being a part of history.

I’m sure you know that tomorrow you’ll get to be a part of history. It’s been over 200 years since North America experienced a total eclipse of the Sun, and I hope there is no cloud cover. Even if there is, you will still be able to sense the eclipse – the temperature will drop for about 4 minutes.

There are between two and five solar eclipses every year somewhere on the Earth, but total eclipses only happen about once every 18 months. The same particular spot on Earth will witness a total solar eclipse only once in 400 years.

What makes this North American eclipse so special is that it has not crossed Mexico, America, and Canada on this path in over 200 years – the last time was in 1775 during the American Revolution.

If there are no clouds during the eclipse, or spotty clouds, remember to look down, too. As the moon gets closer to covering the Sun 100%, the leaves on the trees will reflect the eclipse onto the ground.

So, look up and then look down – you will actually see the eclipse on the ground, too.

Make sure to keep your eyes safe, so don’t look into the Sun without eye protection, but FYI, when the moon covers the Sun 100%, you can glance at the Sun quickly without eye protection.

Then look down on the ground at the shadows from the leaves on the trees – you’ll see the eclipse on the ground.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Earthquakes and volcanoes increase during a solar eclipse.

It is not unusual for earthquakes and volcanoes to respond to the gravitational pull of the moon coming in between the Earth and the Sun.

Major earthquakes have been occurring all over the planet, as well as volcanic eruptions. Poas in Costa Rica is erupting right now, and Fuego is also active in Guatemala; exploding around 5-9 times per hour producing impressive ash plumes.

These volcanoes in Central America are heating up the Gulf of Mexico, so expect a more active hurricane season in the Gulf this year.

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked New Jersey in April 2024, and was felt all the way into Canada and throughout New York State. Geologists are closely watching the New Madrid fault zone, predicting it will have an earthquake soon.

We’ll see.

No doubt, you are witnessing the powerful influence of the Sun on the Earth right now.

Look up and don’t forget to look down, too. This is exciting.

The path of the North American Solar eclipse


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. 

You have our permission to reprint this article if you attribute us with a live back-link to this article and the youtube links. http://www.janethull.com/




Will Campi Fiegrei Finally Erupt? Italy In The Crosshairs

A picture of Ecuador's Tungurhua volcano erupting.

Campi Fiegrei is threatening to erupt.

There’s a current volcanic situation in Italy right now, and the jury is out if Campi Fiegrei volcano near Naples actually erupts or not.

Preparations to evacuate are taking place, however, due to ground swells of magma rising over .5″ a month, and volcanologists are monitoring this rise that’s also causing ground temperatures to heat up.

This is where studying earthquakes comes in – Campi Fiegrei is bigger than Mt. Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD. Fiegrei has 24 craters, and the area around Naples has had more than 1,100 earthquakes occur just in September with some reaching magnitudes of 4.2.

The last time Campi Fiegrei experienced a series of earthquakes was in 1980, but its last significant eruption was in 1538. One of its biggest eruptions is suspect of causing the extinction of the Neanderthal 39,000 years ago. Magma from this blast has been found in Greenland.

So, you can see that volcanoes have not had massive eruptions in our modern history, but when they do erupt, they can destroy life thousands of miles away with little warning. The signs are here now, but people logically resist vacating until it’s too late.

A really good movie that really depicts volcanic eruptions accurately is Dante’s Peak. It’s a 1990s film so it’s a bit dated, but as far as volcanoes go, it’s spot on. It’s worth the watch if you want to really get an idea what’s it’s like to escape a volcanic eruption.

Wishing Italy the best of luck – rimani al sicuro.


Deadly 6.8 Magnitude Quake Strikes Morocco

A deadly 6.8 quake struck in Morocco.

A shallow earthquake hit Morocco yesterday killing over 1,000 people, so far that is – they are still digging through the rubble.

It broke inside the crust 16 miles down in the lithosphere, but this is considered shallow! Shallow quakes cause more damage on the surface of the crust than deeper quakes, which are hundreds of miles down.

Shaking was felt over 125 miles from the epicenter. Let’s say this earthquake hit in Dallas – you would feel it in East Texas.

Over 6 million people have been affected from this quake in some way – utilities, house damage, road damage, lack of water, etc.

The quake occurred in the Atlas Mountains fault zone region. The question is … where will the next one occur? We’ll soon find out because when a large quake strikes, another one will follow somewhere else on the globe.

Our hearts go out to the people in Morocco.

Hurricane Idalia Is Coming In Hot

A picture of a road sign saying Stormy Weather Ahead

Florida is getting another hurricane.

Hurricane Idalia will make landfall in Florida as a CAT 3+ with winds between 110 – 140 mph August 30, 2023. Whew, that’ll blow down a tree or two – and a dog house.

A hurricane will have damaging winds, but what really does the most damage is the storm surge – water being fire-hosed with a force and power that will knock you over as it comes onshore. Streets flood so you can’t drive to escape, garages flood, first floors flood in your house, office, or apartment.

The dog house floods, so you want to protect your animals.

Many people don’t evacuate, but most regret it – it’s hit or miss, though. You’re never sure if the storm damage will be where you live, so many people procrastinate evacuating. Again, it’s hit or miss, but can be deadly if you make the wrong decision.

I highly recommend subscribing to this youtube and X channel for following weather disasters – Ryan Hall is better than any “weatherman” on mainstream news – he’s no drama and accurate. He’s a storm chaser, so you’ll get on-the-ground videos of tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. You’ll learn so much following one of his live streams.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHAT3Uvv-g3I8H3GhHWV7w website

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hQjWI-afE4 live

https://twitter.com/ryanhallyall?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor Twitter (X)

Our hearts go out to anyone who is damaged by this hurricane – including their dogs and cats, too.

A Nasa satellite picture of Hurricane Ike in 2008.

The 2023 hurricane season has been very quiet, but here’s comes Idalia.

Keeping Maui Safe – There’s More To The HAZMAT Cleanup Than You Know

Secure your health by keeping your environment clean.

Environmental toxins affect your health. Cleaning your body of toxins is no different from cleaning toxic spills in the environment. As an Environmental Nutritionist (that’s a new term – LOL), I can show you how to protect your health by cleaning your environment.

I am following the Maui fires,  as I am sure you are doing too, but I am watching the clean-up from a HAZMAT Engineer’s point of view. I’ve cleaned up many toxic spills.

Toxins in the environment can penetrate into your body, and cleaning your body (detoxing) is no different than cleaning toxins in the environment.

Most people are not trained in the remediation protocols that take place when there is an environmental spill, like the train derailment in Ohio in 2023, or after a natural disaster, like a wildfire.

There’s more to this than you know.

What I Know About Maui

Mainstream media isn’t reliable these days to tell us the truth, so much of what we hear coming out of Maui isn’t all true. Everyday, I pick through multiple social media sites and various news streams to piece together an accurate story – you have to dig on your own these days to get to the truth like we are doing with COVID.

This is what I’ve found so far:

  1. the source of the fire appears to be involved with the power lines;
  2. accountability on how this disaster has been handled is definitely being questioned;
  3. many city officers and city engineers were not properly trained in HAZMAT Responses and were not competently organized to activate the Emergency System and Emergency Protocols (we also saw this in Ohio after the toxic train spill);
  4. 80 mph tropical winds blew the fire out of control and rapidly.

It appears that now, the HAZMAT engineers appear to be following better protocols, such as explaining to the people why they are not allowing the public into the affected zones.

A HAZMAT Rundown

a gas station with trees around it and cars filling up

Natural disasters destroy gas stations, releasing toxins.

When any toxic spill occurs, the site area is closed off ASAP to prevent more toxic exposure. Environmental engineers determine how far the toxins may have spread, and as in Maui, there is a toxic no-go area.

If people are allowed within this defined parameter, they are susceptible to being exposed to toxins and harm. Until all exposure potentials are identified,  public access is denied.


Here are two examples;

  1. the fires destroyed gas stations, so gas can be seeping into the ground and into the public water supply;
  2. this gas can be combustible, but undoubtably toxic;
  3. the public sewer system and private septic tanks may have been impacted, so exposure to human waste can cause illness;
  4. toxic chemicals in homes, such as pesticides, may have been released within the environment, and exposure to these chemicals  can be toxic.

Hang on before you pass judgment on why survival supplies and other aide are being rerouted within this exposure area in Maui. They ARE being distributed by the HAZMAT engineers, firefighters, police officers, and city officials.

I hope this helps you understand the complexity of addressing a disaster like this one. Understanding helps us better assist those in need to stay healthy.



Just To Be Clear – The Fires In Hawaii Were Not Caused By Climate Change

The tragic fires in Hawaii were an act of Nature.

The fires in Hawaii are all over the news today, and such a tragic event can be tricky to report on when you don’t know what started such a deadly fire. I am hearing so many conspiracy theories about what happened, I was compelled to say something about some of the crazy ideas.

I was labeled a conspiracy theorist when I wrote my book Sweet Poison and started speaking out about the dangers of using aspartame.  I got used to being ridiculed and teased about wearing a tin foil hat. Fortunately, I was right about aspartame.

Believe me, I know a conspiracy when I see one.

We are more jaded today as we get hit with one conspiracy after another, but don’t buy into the theories that the fire was caused by anything other than an accidental spark and 80 mph winds rapidly blowing the fire out of control.

Fires In Hawaii

The fires in Hawaii were an unfortunate accident.

Many posts on social media are alluding to the fires in Hawaii as being ignited on purpose. No one will ever know what spark started this tragic fire, but whether it was arson or someone’s barbecue grill, a tropical storm south of Hawaii blasted the Maui coastline with 80 mph winds.

THAT will spread a wildfire! And it did just that.

Imagine you are camping and have a campfire lit. Then, 80 mph winds approach. Your fire will spread in a matter of minutes.

And heads up, Hawaii – you have two more tropical storms heading your way.

For all the conspiracy theorists out there, take a pass on this natural disaster. The tragic fires in Hawaii were an act of Nature. Mother Nature is very active today, and we will unfortunately continue to see many more natural disasters in the near future. 

Mother Nature

I’m reading everything from this was an intentional burn to the fire was controlled to burn some areas but not others. Weather channels are trying to convince you that global warming and climate change are the cause of the fire.

I am NOT an advocate of the climate change movement today. As an environmental engineer, I remind you that the power of our planet is much more powerful than human influences will ever be.

We do pollute, we do not recycle enough, we concrete over fertile farmlands, and pack too many people into small urban spaces. Yes, we dirty things up, but we don’t have the power to alter the planet’s wind and ocean currents or our relationship with the Sun and the other planets.

This is a BIG Blue planet, and there is plenty of room for our growing global population, but we need to better apply our technology to maintain a healthier balance with Nature. We have the ability to create an oasis within every desert. We have free energy abundantly surrounding us, but humans are their own worst enemy – we have the ability to live in a Heaven on Earth, but greed has gotten in our way.

Our hearts go out to all the people and wildlife who lost their lives, their homes, and their businesses in Hawaii, but this was a natural disaster at the hands of Mother Nature – there are no conspiracies behind the scenes here.

Listen to my short clip on how to prepare for natural disasters.



Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. 




Emergency Toxic Spill In Ohio Gone Wrong – Pray For The Safety Of Anything Breathing

A Red Fox.

People returned home to find dead animals within 10 miles of the train spill.

Why isn’t this spill on mainstream news? This is a huge and very, very toxic spill in Ohio. A train carrying highly toxic vinyl chloride and hydrogen chloride came off the tracks. The train company is trying to take charge of cleaning this up, but they are making things worse.

In my opinion, it appears they hoped that they could have cleaned this up before it became public, but so far, the remediation has not been handled correctly.

If anything, they definitely made things worse, and this will rapidly become a Superfund site being monitored over the next few decades. Here are the details:

  1. A cocktail of deadly chemicals including highly toxic vinyl chloride and hydrogen chloride — spilled out after 50 cars on a Norfolk Southern Railroad train derailed en route to Pennsylvania;
  2. Vinyl chloride is highly toxic, flammable, and carcinogenic. It rapidly breaks down into hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide;
  3.  Hydrogen chloride rapidly dissolves in water – it doesn’t go away, but splits into H + Cl; fish and frogs cannot live in chlorinated water;
  4. The details are sketchy at the present, and this is a disservice to the people living near this spill, but reporters have been told to stay away, with one reporter arrested;
  5. Toxicity can spread as far as 200 miles downstream from something this toxic and can take decades to be remediated;
  6. Word initially came out that Norfolk Southern Railroad tried to remediate the spill themselves by digging trenches beside each train car, puncturing the containers, and lighting fire to the highly toxic and explosive vinyl chloride and hydrogen chloride, which caused an amazingly HUGE toxic cloud; this story may change;
  7. It would have been much easier to contain the liquid in the train cars because if they, indeed, torched the cars, the toxins went into the air and will now become toxic rain and blow in the wind who knows how far away; if they had THIS idea to blow up the cars, it was a lunatic decision; the liquid would have been much easier to remove;
  8. Wild animals and house pets began dying within hours of the explosion, and residents around the spill were told to evacuate;
  9. Residents were told they could return after 3-days, but they came home to find dead animals everywhere, including chickens, fish, and wild birds;
  10. The EPA is now involved, but details are still being suppressed, albeit, more information is now coming out;
  11. No one should be kept in the dark about a toxic spill this aggressive.

    This very toxic spill is being kept secret.

Keep apprised of this disaster because many environmental engineers predict this to be a very dangerous event that can result in epidemic cancers over the next 20 years.

People were living right next to this toxic spill. Schools were in this area. Whether a neighborhood or farming fields were impacted, all soil, air and water will become toxic.

Obviously, Norfolk Southern Railroad is responsible for this clean-up, but it appears the government will take it on as a Superfund ASAP.

Here is a link to get you started researching this, but stay on top of this, and expect many details to not be available and hard to find mainstream at this time; residents are videoing this, and let’s hope they’re not arrested: https://nypost.com/2023/02/10/animals-sick-dying-near-east-palestine-ohio-train-crash/

Pray for the safety of all innocent life exposed to this dangerous situation – 2-legged and 4-legged.


Janet Starr Hull has a very diverse background with academic degrees and experience in geology, international geography, environmental science and toxicology, fitness training and holistic nutrition. She is an OSHA Certified Environmental Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist, a university professor, author and former firefighter.

Hull has addressed such distinguished audiences as members of the European Union and British Parliament, has granted over 1,000 radio and television interviews her book Sweet Poison, and has filmed numerous documentaries on the dangers of toxins to humans and wildlife. Her pioneering work has impacted millions of people worldwide.

Hull was one of the first Americans to remediate the former Soviet army bases in Eastern Europe after Glasnost in the late 1980s and early 1990s, her field experience cleaning up toxic waste enhances her research into the effects toxins have on human health and on global societies.

Hull publishes a monthly health newsletter, a health blog, and an Earth change-awareness blog educating readers on current social topics impacting societies worldwide. She has a readership over 100,000 subscribers. 

She co-founded and operates a Federal 501C3 Wildlife Preservation for endangered tortoises and birds. She is the on-site curator for one of the largest collections of CITES I endangered tortoises and turtles from around the world.

Hull’s professional reputation and International presence as an artificial sweetener expert has produced Top 10 Internet rankings in the major search engines, and generates over 1,000,000 page views to her sites every year. She has published over 500 Internet articles on the dangers of artificial sweeteners and their impact on human health. 

Hull’s research and publication web sites include:


greenwildlife.org (501C3 Wildlife Preservation)

www.janethull.com http://www.janethull.com/ 


Is The Green New Deal Real? Not When We Can Remove Toxic Landfills To Stop Global Warming

Everything in a landfill can be recycled.

A massive landfill caught fire during a scorching heat wave in India on April 27, 2022. The landfill is taller than a 17-story building and covers an area bigger than 50 football fields.

Toxic smoke hung over New Delhi for days after the landfill caught fire, forcing people to endure hazardous conditions.

South Asia, including India, is experiencing a record-shattering heat wave that experts say was a catalyst for the landfill fire. Three other landfills around New Delhi have also caught fire in recent weeks.

Global warming, the Green New Deal, climate change – whatever you choose to call it –  is merely human negligence, human waste, and ignorance. Before we adopt drastic, incorrect, and expensive new energy laws, let’s solve these problems first.

This Indian landfill fire could have been avoided because everything we put into a landfill can be recycled – everything!

Toxic Landfills

This large Indian landfill was planned for closure more than 10-years ago, but it obviously has never been closed. By 2022, more than 2,300 tons of the city’s garbage is still being dumped there every day. The organic waste in the landfill decays, too, and this builds-up highly combustible methane gas.

If world leaders blame cow farts and SUVs for the increase in toxic methane levels in the atmosphere, they must consider that the source of the problem may be toxic landfills piercing the Earth’s crust all over the world.

Let’s fix this problem before we cull all the dairy cows and triple the price of gasoline, you think?

Reactor 4 at the Fukushima nuclear reactor is tipping and sinking into the ground.

Humans are the worst polluters on the planet, and this is one of the real causes of global warming, especially in big cities.

  1. Canada’s total waste generation is the largest in the entire world. It has an estimated annual waste total of 1,325,480,289 metric tons.
  2. New York is the world’s most wasteful city. New York uses the most energy, disposes of the most trash (33m tonnes per year), and uses the most water.
  3. Americans generate a huge amount of waste with an estimated 4.5 pounds of municipal solid waste per person per day, of which 55% is residential garbage.

After we have resolved the growing landfill problem, let’s turn our focus to other ways we can clean up polluting cities and countries before we make “Green New Deal” changes that aren’t addressing the real global warming issues.

Let’s responsibly address our myriad effects of human pollution (that can be easily fixed), such as recycling our trash before we get mislead into bogus Green New Deals!


11 Years After Historic Fukushima Earthquake, Another One Strikes Again

A Wikimap of the Fukushima Prefecture in Japan.

The Fukushima Prefecture in Japan.

In the night on March 16, 2022, a 7.4-magnitude quake hit off the coast of Fukushima. It derailed a bullet train, opened cracks in the highways, and threw products from the shelves in shops.

Many smaller quakes continued through Thursday morning resurrecting memories of the 9.1 magnitude earthquake  and tsunami that resulted in a nuclear disaster in the same area on March 11, 2011.

A tsunami warning for waves up to 3 feet in parts of northeast Japan was lifted in the early hours of Thursday after authorities recorded water levels higher than normal in some of the coastal areas.

Compared to the devastation in 2011, the damage appeared comparatively minor. Preventative construction in Japan protects against devastating frequent earthquakes, and there were no abnormalities at the nuclear power plants.

To date, 4 deaths and more than 100 injuries have been reported, but investigations are still under way.

The quake struck at a depth of 37 miles around 11.30 PM, after a 6.1-magnitude quake first struck minutes earlier in the same area.