The Climate Change Fad – People VS The Planet

A baby and mother polar bear looking endearing at one another.

This new fad called climate change is steering us in the wrong direction.

I don’t know if the way I see climate change is NOT MAINSTREAM because I have had a solid education in geology and environmental science, if I simply have some healthy, basic logic and common sense, or if it’s because I love nature and make sure to stay outside more than I’m inside.

One thing that I can say for sure is that today, bad science and the politics of greed are promoting a sadly inaccurate explanation for climate change and people are buying into it.

Have you noticed that no one offers SOLUTIONSWell, solutions other than more taxes to slip into their pockets as they fly around in their private jets.

Let’s keep this post simple, and consider some very inexpensive, practical, and very futuristic solutions to the new fad called climate change.

People VS The Planet

Reactor 4 at the Fukushima nuclear reactor is tipping and sinking into the ground.

Humans are polluters, and this is what I call messing in our nest.

Firstly, it’s vitally important to separate natural Earth changes from humanity’s irresponsible polluting. The Earth ad Sun always cause climate changes and there is nothing humans can do to stop it. We can learn how to adapt to it, but we are naive to think that we can stop a natural Earth cycle.

Humans are consumers and polluters, and this is what I call messing in our nest. We are not causing climate change – we are merely striping the Earth of its resources – taking and not putting back, which is destroying our home, calling it climate change.

I could write this entire article just about our endless pollution, but needless to say, I think we all get it.

Yes, humans have caused devastating damage to our planet, but we can reverse this in ways NO ONE is proposing today. Higher taxes is not the answer.

Easy, Cheap, and Simple Solutions

A beautiful picture of a windmill with red tulips in Holland.

Replace expanding cities with smaller villages.

Investing in the solutions is what we need to focus on, and here are some real-time solutions no one is talking about:

  1. Plant hemp  to replace petroleum, plastic, paper, cotton, medications, food protein sources, concrete and building materials
  2. Cap the expansion of large urban areas (cities) and build small villages that are off the grid and self sufficient
  3. Construct aguaponic farms in every village
  4. Connect cities and villages with rail transportation powered by geothermal energy
  5. Build homes and buildings with solar roofing, i.e. solar shingles
  6. Recycle  everything, everywhere
  7. Break apart large corporate farm and food monopolies and invest in local farming
  8. Restore individual State autonomy
  9. Localize and individualize schools and health care

    A picture of workers installing solar panels on the roof of a house.

    Install solar shingles on all homes and buildings.

If we focus on these simple solutions, we can reverse man’s damaging influences on this planet. Instead of increasing taxes for the benefit of bloated politicians and the elite, these solutions actually generate income and jobs for the majority of people, worldwide.

Just start here. Now. Globally.

Just think about it – if we invested in aguaponic farms in every village in Africa, there would be no more hunger.

Did you know that Ford® makes an engine that powers the cars in Iceland using geothermal energy extracted from their volcanoes? Um hum – we can do that in America tapping into Yellowstone.

Reversing the damage fueled by power and greed isn’t going to happen over night, but once we implement the correct solutions, we can survive on this planet in a more natural balance with Nature. Actually, we can make this a Heaven on Earth.

Remember that the force of this planet is far more powerful than humans will ever be, but we have proven that we can certainly damage the Earth more than any other animal has ever done.

The Earth in space

Humans will never be more powerful than our planet.

More to come …






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How We Can Save Our Planet. It’s Insanely Simple.

three scary skulls representing Judgment Day

If we are going to survive on this planet, we need to get our smarts on, and start thinking differently.

I don’t care who you are – a movie star, a rock star, a CEO, an elected politician or a Walmart greeter. If you are one of the people claiming that humans have caused earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or hurricanes, you are doing this planet more harm than good.

Go take an Earth Science class. You’ll be amazed what you will learn because we need to get our smarts on, and start thinking differently if we are going to survive on this planet.

Humans have become so arrogant, we expect Nature to conform to our wishes as opposed to modifying our lifestyles to balance with Nature. Hence, modern humans have been trying to control Nature, and we don’t know who to blame when that control does not succeed.

When I see someone like singer Beyoncé use her popularity to try to convince her fans that humans are the cause of natural disasters, global warming, and climate change, I get frustrated, and very sad at the ignorance that’s epidemic today.

Maybe these people mean well, but they are grossly off-base, and they have this all wrong.

Let’s start with understanding that there is a BIG difference between natural Earth cycles and human pollution.

Humans are contributing to the harmful effects of natural disasters through geo-engineering, destructive endless war, and infinite pollution – this means that we are messing in our nests and making things worse. 

Our bad decisions, our desire to control all life around us, and endless pollution is NOT the cause of Earth changes. 

The cause is the Earth itself. 

We need to put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren't causing climate change - they are just making things worse.

We need to put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren’t causing climate change – they are just making things worse.

If people like Beyoncé want to keep blaming humanity, then the solution is to STOP the wars, STOP dumping plastic and radiation in the oceans, STOP chemtrails and geo-engineering, STOP using oil and gas, invest tax dollars in to alternative energies, and put Earth science classes back into public schools so people will truly understand that humans aren’t creating hurricanes – we are just making these natural events worse.

Humans are not more powerful than this magnificent planet, and we must get this through our heads sooner than later if we want to survive more upcoming Earth changes.

And, more are coming. They will never stop. Nor should they.

Learn The Difference Between Climate Change And Human Pollution

I cannot stress enough the difference between natural Earth cycles, which result in crazy Earth changes, and human pollution, which makes the situations worse

Humans are in the way.

We are messing in our nest, and this is creating historic pollution that will kill this planet if we don’t wake up. 

When a hurricane comes on shore or when a wildfire sadly burns thousands of acres of forests and farmland, the Earth’s natural cycle of restoration kicks into gear, and Nature regenerates. Animals either fly away, swim away or burrow deep underground in order to survive. Not all make it, but most can, and do.

What do humans do?

  • We construct major cities in natural disaster zones;
  • Humans build million dollar vacation homes within hurricane pathways;
  • Housing developers construct cheap housing developments without basements in tornado alleys;
  • We make flooding worse by paving miles and miles of concrete over porous farm fields and meadows – soil that naturally absorbs water and storm run-off.
A picture of Hong Kong, Japan, a major city built within a natural disaster zone.

Humans build major populated cities on top of active earthquake zones and too close to the oceans.

Then we blame Nature when a natural disaster occurs, and we whine that a natural disaster destroyed our man-made possessions.

Why Humans Don’t Cause Climate Change

Humans do not cause climate change. Natural disasters, climate change, Ice Ages and global warming are all part of the Earth’s on-going operating system. 

That said, humans DO CAUSE many tragic effects.

Oil pumps in the sunset.

Our addiction to oil and gas is creating many environmental problems, but we refuse to replace this industry with one much cleaner.

  1. Humans POLLUTE with chemicals and man-made products that DO NOT decompose, such as plastics;
  2. Humans destroy Nature through the demolition of war;
  3. Humans experiment with the atmosphere trying to control it by playing around with geo-engineering, which dangerously interrupts the ocean currents and natural weather patterns. (THIS can result in stronger hurricanes.);
  4. Humans are destroying the oceans with not only non-degradable packaging, medical waste, and trash, but Fukushima is doing damage to the Pacific Ocean that is being downplayed by global governments;
  5. Humans cut down thousands of acres of forests for timber and farming;
  6. Humans refuse to give up their addiction to petroleum, which suppresses alternative energy progress.

The list goes on, and I get very frustrated with the totally misleading “global warming meme” being pushed today.

A line of wooden power poles.

Our power grid is antiquated beyond its limits. When it is destroyed in a hurricane, we don’t change things – we simply put the poles back up in the same places.

Yes, we have messed in our nest, and when a natural disaster destroys are man-made world, we DO NOT rebuild in more futuristic ways, nor are we implementing solutions to stop endless wars, pollution of every kind, or improve our ignorance.

Wake up people, and wake up those around you. Put your smarts on, and stop listening to the stupidity of mainstream pop stars.

Humans are not the cause of  today’s Earth changes, but we are certainly making things worse and we are not doing anything to change it.


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The Sun Influences The Earth More Than You Know

A weather map of Typhoon Wipha.

Deadly storms were once rare. Today, they are increasing in number and in strength.

The 2017 hurricane season started off with record=breaking storms, and it looks like the storms are going to keep coming.

Earthquakes, too.

And volcanoes.

Add more droughts and wildfires.

And floods.

What most people don’t realize is the root cause of natural disasters starts with the Sun.

Our Sun is undergoing some serious changes right now, and it is affecting all life on Earth. This explains the changes we are seeing today.

The Sun Is Driving This Bus

Super Typhoon from NOAA the Philippines

The Sun is the primary influence behind our weather.

Energy from the Sun is very important to all life on Earth. The Sun warms our planet and heats the surface, the oceans and the atmosphere. This atmospheric energy is one of the primary drivers of our weather.

Our climate is also strongly affected by the amount of solar radiation received on the Earth.

Climate change and “global warming” are not caused by humans – they are driven by the Earth itself, and that is determined by the Sun.

Now note that humans won’t get off the hook here. Humans are messing in our nest – we are destroying ecosystems worldwide, polluting the land, water and air, and we are depleting the Earth’s natural resources at a record rate.

A picture of a solar flare, or CME, exploding off the surface of the Sun.

Humans are polluting the Earth, no doubt, but the Sun is the primary reason we are experiencing global climate change.

Humans have created GMO farming, which destroys the Earth’s pollination and the natural mineralization of the soil. And our pesticides are killing the pollinators (the bees and butterflies) in massive numbers.

But, there is a big difference between the damage irresponsible humans are doing to the Earth and the powerful influences of the Sun.

The Sun warms our planet, so when the Sun heats up – um hum, the Earth heats up. There is nothing we humans can do about it.

Learn More About The Sun

In order to better understand climate change, natural disasters, and Earth events that have never been seen in modern human history, study the Sun and its cycles. 

The Sun:

  1. affects all life on Earth;
  2. influences fertility and the reproduction of plants and animals;
  3. determines an animal’s mood;
  4. creates earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes;
  5. influences rainfall;
  6. determines temperature.

Here are 3 videos to get you started learning more about the Sun:

As we witness natural disasters increasing today, learn all that you can about them. This is the only way that we can stay safe, and possibly prevent more disasters in the future. 


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