We Can’t Put A Price Tag On The Earth

A picture of the Earth.

For all animals on the planet, food is free, water is free, land is free, air is free, the oceans are free, speech is free, education is free, energy is free, shelter is free, relationships are free, transportation is free, natural medicine is free, thoughts are free. There should not be a “price tag” on the Earth. This is a legacy of humans, and it has not served us, or the planet well.

– Janet Starr Hull

Google Maps Confirms Mass Animal Die-Offs Worse In USA And UK


A picture of a honey bee.

Honeybees are but one of many species dying off in the USA and UK at the hands of human technology.

Google has a very detailed map of the mass animal die-offs in 2013. As depressing as this is, Hat’s Off to Google for documenting this because it’s important for everyone to know where the majority of wildlife losses are taking place.

It’s time to hold these countries accountable. We need to look at the human influences, and where those influences are concentrated.

The USA And The UK

Does it come as much of a surprise to learn that the majority of massive animal die-offs are in the USA and in the UK

These are the countries that keep “pushing” technology, oil and gas production, nuclear energy, advancement of war, and consumption, consumption, consumption at the expense of the wildlife.

All the while, these are the countries trying to blame mass animal die-offs on global warming, Earth changes, and climate change.

Earth changes may be the cause of the die-offs in the three, sparse areas in Africa, or in the one area in Iceland, or the one area in Alaskaor maybe NOT. Further unbiased research is warranted, but it is clear that human influences are at the root of the massive die-offs in the USA and UK.

False Claims

picture of two Green Macaws

We are not witnessing massive die-offs of Macaws in Costa Rica. So, we cannot blame “global warming.”

Google maps confirms that there is no where else on Earth with so many animal die-offs concentrated on one continent.

It is time to reign in human gluttony, abuse, and arrogance. It’s time global societies stand up for the wildlife, and FORCE some boundaries on the bulldozing effects advanced humans have on Nature.

Look for yourself – every picture tells a story


The NOT Apocalypse

Apocalyptic predictions are a blend of religion, science, and prophecy – all products of mankind. Many great prophets, religious scriptures, and scientific evidence point to a future apocalyptic event. But all these “predictions” are generated by humans, and NO HUMAN has the power to outsmart Mother Nature. No human can predict when the cosmos is going to react in a way that creates an extinction on Earth. We know that there will be one – we just don’t know when.

Old scrolls and ancient books where mankind has tried to predict an apocalypse since the beginning of mankind.

Scrolls and ancient writings predicting an apocalypse

The Science Behind An Apocalypse

The scars of cosmic debris found on the Earth’s crust provide some of the best evidence of past apocalyptic events. There is confirmation that multiple impacts of concern occurred in peculiar phases and in unusual patterns around the planet. According to geologic records, when cosmic impacts increased, major extinctions occurred.

These scientific discoveries are exciting because most of the Earth’s history is left to speculation; theories can only be woven into the fabric of time, evolution, changing climates, dinosaurs, and extinctions. Humans want to know their fate, yet no human being is capable of predicting it.

What Causes An Extinction?

Since life began on Earth, several mass extinctions have taken place. Over 97 percent of all the species that ever lived are now extinct. Extinctions are caused by both major Earth changes, like a polar shift, and by catastrophic extraterrestrial events, like the impact from a comet, meteor, or incoming asteroid.  Both result in physical conditions that affect the entire planet.

Five Past Extinctions

A picture of a dinosuar, which once roamed the Earth as humans do today.

Dinosaurs once dominated the Earth as humans do today

There have been five major extinctions throughout Earth’s history – that we know of. Extinctions are an inevitable part of a natural Earth cycle, yet they are major events that are based mostly on guesswork. The good news: every past extinction always re-seeds new and more evolved life forms, from simple-celled ocean life to dinosaurs to mammals to YOU.

Predicting Our Next Extinction

There will be another extinction event on Earth, and the human spirit will evolve, but we cannot predict what new life forms will emerge. The most important message is not to worry about when the next extinction will occur, but how to live life on Earth in the kindest and most loving way possible while we are here.

After We Are Gone

There is no doubt that a more resourceful species will evolve to assist Nature in decomposing the damage that human beings have done to the Earth. New creatures will emerge to break down synthetics and eat away the massive landfills packed with plastics and non-recyclable trash. Life forms will evolve to dissemble the building materials on skyscrapers and nuclear power plants; a new species will emerge to biodegrade the toxic weapons of war and the piles of off-shore drilling rigs and pipes discarded on the ocean floor. Unknown life forms will decompose the miles upon miles of concrete, roads, and steel bridges. The Earth will require millions of years to break down all the waste and destruction humanity has left behind.

In order to pave a more natural path into the future, we MUST begin improving the way we take care of this planet NOW, before we run out of time. How much time do we have to fix the mess we have created? Only the Earth knows.