Earthquakes Increase In Middle East Amid Political Tension

While political tension in the Middle East increases, no one is paying attention to the fact that the Earth is building up pressure off their borders. Many people do not understand that the Earth is much more powerful than humans, and this may soon become evident as earthquakes increase in the Middle East. The chance that a tsunami could flood this area is very real. No one is paying attention to this possibility.

USGS Map of Iran Earthquakes

USGS Map of Iran Earthquakes On the Persian Gulf

Earthquakes Continue In The Middle East

Eathquakes continue to rattle Iran along the Persian Gulf and along the Iran- Pakistan border. On May 5, 2103, the tension increased along the Arabian Plate when a 4.9 magnitude quake shook the Gulf of Aden, south of the Red Sea.

The Arabian Plate

A picture of the USGS map showing the Arabian tectonic Plate

USGS Map of the Arabian Plate

The Arabian Plate and the Eurasia plate are colliding, and over time, many cities and oil refineries will be in danger of destruction from earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. The Arabian Plate was part of the African Plate about 500 million years ago. As the plates spread apart, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Persian Gulf formed. As more earthquakes occur in these areas today, it is a reminder to us all that this area is unstable, geologically, and countries should rethink where they concentrate their populations, how they construct their cities, and where they position power plants and nuclear facilities.

Maybe if we focus more on upcoming Earth changes, we might reconsider how we handle the present “human conflicts” this area faces today. 

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Papua New Guinea 12 Hours After 7.8 Quake Hits Iran

The USGS small globe showing the location of the 6.8 earthquake that struck Papua New Guinea on April 16, 2013

6.8 earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea April 16, 2013 – USGS

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Papua New Guinea merely 12 hours after a 7.8 quake hit Iran, and there were 26 earthquakes that occurred globally in between the two quakes.

Don’t forget that on April 6, 2012, merely 10 days earlier, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck the center of Papua, Indonesia, which is the mountainous portion of the island, west of Papua New Guinea.

No Tsunami Warning

No destructive widespread tsunami threat occurred, however, earthquakes this size sometime generate local tsunamis that can be destructive along the coasts located within a hundred kilometers (50 miles) of the earthquake epicenter. The region has been alerted to be aware of this tsunami possibility, and to take appropriate action.

The USGS map of Papua Indonesia witha star where the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck 4-6-13

7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Papua Region, Indonesia on April 6, 2013 – USGS

A USGS map of the island of NEw Guinea and the location of the April 16, 2013 6.8 earthquake

6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Papua, New Guinea on April 16, 2013 – USGS